Hershey Park Wildcat Brakes: Safety and Performance Unveiled

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The Hershey Park Wildcat brakes are a critical component of the thrilling Wildcat’s Revenge roller coaster. These brakes ensure rider safety and optimal performance through advanced technology and design. The braking system incorporates fin brakes or magnetic brakes, fail-safe mechanisms, and sophisticated control systems. Regular maintenance and rigorous safety protocols are implemented to keep the … Read more

Hershey Park Wildcat RMC: The Ultimate Thrill Ride Experience

Hershey Park 30 34

The Hershey Park Wildcat RMC, officially named Wildcat’s Revenge, is a thrilling wood and steel hybrid coaster manufactured by Rocky Mountain Construction (RMC). This innovative ride combines the nostalgia of the original Wildcat with cutting-edge coaster technology. Featuring a 140-foot hill, an 82-degree drop, and four inversions including the World’s Largest Underflip, Wildcat’s Revenge offers … Read more

Wild Cat’s Revenge Hershey Park: The Ultimate Thrill Ride

Hershey Park 33 46

Wildcat’s Revenge at Hershey Park is a state-of-the-art hybrid roller coaster that combines a wooden structure with a steel track. Manufactured by Rocky Mountain Construction (RMC), this coaster stands 140 feet tall, features a 135-foot drop at an 82-degree angle, and reaches speeds up to 62 mph. With four inversions, including the World’s Largest Underflip, … Read more